"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title. Swirling Flow in a Closed Cylindrical Container Free-Convection on a Vertical Plate and from a Horizontal Cylinderġ3. Rayleigh-Bénard Convection and Taylor-Couette Flowġ2. Analysis of the Flow Past a Sphere and a Cylinderĥ. Covered topics include airfoil flow, boundary layers, flow meters, heat exchanger, natural and forced convection, pipe flow, rotating flow, tube bank flow and valve flow.ģ. Fill out the table below with the results of the SolidWorks flow simulation (from. Both internal and external flow problems are covered and compared with experimental results and analytical solutions. This book can also be used to show students the capabilities of fluid flow and heat transfer simulations in freshman and sophomore courses such as Introduction to Engineering. It is intended to be a supplement to undergraduate Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer related courses. The fourteen chapters of this book are directed towards first-time to intermediate level users of SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation. End of chapter exercises are included for reinforcement and practice of what has been learned. SolidWorks Design to Manufacturing Process. Each chapter starts with the objectives and a description of the specific problems that are studied. SolidWorks Flow Simulation solves for both fluid characteristics as well as solid temperatures. The results from calculations are visualized and compared with theoretical solutions and empirical data. An Introduction to SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation 2016 takes you through the steps of creating the SOLIDWORKS part for the simulation followed by the setup and calculation of the SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation project.